This is an image of some small arteries in the kidney. The large stalk is the interlobular artery which gives off afferent arterioles. The arterioles end at the round shaped "flowers" called glomeruli.
There are about 1 million "flowers" in each kidney and filter your blood at a grand total of 1800 liters per day.
Kidneys don't just filter blood, they make sure your electrolytes are perfectly in balance, they keep your blood pressure stable, and they make hormones to regulate it all.
If your kidneys fail there's a lot that can go wrong and you often have to be put on dialysis so you won't die.
These are physical kidneys, but there are also spiritual kidneys. Kidneys that examine the experiences, events, people, actions, events, thoughts, words, pictures, senses, etc. that enter our souls. That kidney is the conscience. It constantly convicts or otherwise encourages us in whatever we are doing...and it works constantly unless we shut it down.
Like the person with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus whose kidneys begin to fail, so it is with the person who continually indulges in sin. You never really notice it, because you've suppressed the effect of your conscience. But then something happens, and you realized that you have injured your conscience so much that it won't recover on its own without drastic measures.
Treatment for late stage diabetic nephropathy is ultimately dialysis and kidney transplantation. Sin has so damaged all of our consciences that life saving treatment can only be found in external sources, not popping self-help medications. Yes, we all need new kidneys. We all need a "righteous not of our own...but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith..." (Philippians 3:9).
Christ has perfect kidneys, he lived a sinless life. He is willing to take your sin-ravaged failing kidneys and make them his own. He has plenty to give to you. Pray that you may receive them for they can never fail.
1 comment:
hey Jeremy everything you have said in this article is true and I totally agree with spiritual kidneys. I have kidneys failure and on dialysis now and am only 25 yrs old. and its so true the link between the kidneys and the nconscience. God bless, ach
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